The Optotrak Toolbox: Sample programs.

Volker Franz, University of Tübingen, Germany

Each example shows first the Matlab-code and second the code you would need to perform the same actions using the C-programming language. You can see two things: (a) the Matlab code using the Optotrak Toolbox is much shorter and more efficient than C (b) it is nevertheless a 1-to-1 translation of the relevant C-commands. Please select the sample you want to view:

View Matlab-file and C-file on this page Matlab-file C-file
sample1 sample1.m sample1.c
sample2 sample2.m sample2.c
sample5 sample5.m sample5.c
sample7 sample7.m sample7.c
sample8 sample8.m sample8.c
sample9 sample9.m sample9.c
sample10 sample10.m sample10.c
sample20 sample20.m sample20.c

Matlab-code for sample1:

%Name:             SAMPLE1.M


%    OPTOTRAK Sample Program #1.

%    1.  Load the system of transputers with the appropriate
%        transputer programs.
%    2.  Initiate communications with the transputer system.
%    3.  Load the appropriate camera parameters.
%    4.  Request/receive/display the current OPTOTRAK system status.
%        Pass NULL for those status variables that are not
%        requested.
%    5.  Disconnect the PC application program from the transputer
%        system.

%Just to be on the save side, we first reset all Matlab functions:
clear functions

%Load the system of transputers.

%Wait one second to let the system finish loading.

%Initialize the transputer system.

%Load the standard camera parameters.

%Request and print the OPTOTRAK status.

%%Shutdown the transputer message passing system.

%Exit the program.
fprintf('\nProgram execution complete.\n');

Corresponding C-code for sample1:

Name:             SAMPLE1.C


    OPTOTRAK Sample Program #1.

    1.  Load the system of transputers with the appropriate
        transputer programs.
    2.  Initiate communications with the transputer system.
    3.  Load the appropriate camera parameters.
    4.  Request/receive/display the current OPTOTRAK system status.
        Pass NULL for those status variables that are not
    5.  Disconnect the PC application program from the transputer


C Library Files Included
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
void sleep( unsigned int uSec );
#elif __BORLANDC__
#include <dos.h>
#elif __WATCOMC__
#include <dos.h>

ND Library Files Included
#include "ndtypes.h"
#include "ndpack.h"
#include "ndopto.h"

Name:               main

Input Values:
        argc        :Number of command line parameters.
    unsigned char
        *argv[]     :Pointer array to each parameter.

Output Values:

Return Value:


    Main program routine performs all steps listed in the above
    program description.

void main( int argc, unsigned char *argv[] )
        szNDErrorString[MAX_ERROR_STRING_LENGTH + 1];

     * Load the system of transputers.
    if( TransputerLoadSystem( "system" ) )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Wait one second to let the system finish loading.
    sleep( 1 );

     * Initialize the transputer system.
    if( TransputerInitializeSystem( OPTO_LOG_ERRORS_FLAG ))
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Load the standard camera parameters.
    if( OptotrakLoadCameraParameters( "standard" ) )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Request and receive the OPTOTRAK status.
    if( OptotrakGetStatus(
            &nNumSensors,    /* Number of sensors in the OPTOTRAK system. */
            &nNumOdaus,      /* Number of ODAUs in the OPTOTRAK system. */
            NULL,            /* Number of rigid bodies being tracked by the O/T. */
            &nMarkers,       /* Number of markers in the collection. */
            NULL,            /* Frequency that data frames are being collected. */
            NULL,            /* Marker firing frequency. */
            NULL,            /* Dynamic or Static Threshold value being used. */
            NULL,            /* Minimum gain code amplification being used. */
            NULL,            /* Stream mode indication for the data buffers */
            NULL,            /* Marker Duty Cycle being used. */
            NULL,            /* Voltage being used when turning on markers. */
            NULL,            /* Number of seconds data is being collected. */
            NULL,            /* Number of seconds data is being pre-triggered. */
            NULL ) )         /* Configuration flags. */
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Display elements of the status received.
    fprintf( stdout, "Sensors in system       :%3d\n", nNumSensors );
    fprintf( stdout, "ODAUs in system         :%3d\n", nNumOdaus );
    fprintf( stdout, "Default OPTOTRAK Markers:%3d\n", nMarkers );

     * Shutdown the transputer message passing system.
    if( TransputerShutdownSystem() )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Exit the program.
    fprintf( stdout, "\nProgram execution complete.\n" );
    exit( 0 );

    if( OptotrakGetErrorString( szNDErrorString,
                                MAX_ERROR_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ) == 0 )
        fprintf( stdout, szNDErrorString );
    } /* if */
    exit( 1 );
} /* main */