The Optotrak Toolbox: Sample programs.

Volker Franz, University of Tübingen, Germany

Each example shows first the Matlab-code and second the code you would need to perform the same actions using the C-programming language. You can see two things: (a) the Matlab code using the Optotrak Toolbox is much shorter and more efficient than C (b) it is nevertheless a 1-to-1 translation of the relevant C-commands. Please select the sample you want to view:

View Matlab-file and C-file on this page Matlab-file C-file
sample1 sample1.m sample1.c
sample2 sample2.m sample2.c
sample5 sample5.m sample5.c
sample7 sample7.m sample7.c
sample8 sample8.m sample8.c
sample9 sample9.m sample9.c
sample10 sample10.m sample10.c
sample20 sample20.m sample20.c

Matlab-code for sample2:

%Name:             SAMPLE2.M


%    OPTOTRAK Sample Program #2.

%    1.  Load the system of transputers with the appropriate
%        transputer programs.
%    2.  Initiate communications with the transputer system.
%    3.  Set the optional processing flags to do the 3D conversions
%        on the host computer.
%    4.  Load the appropriate camera parameters.
%    5.  Set up an OPTOTRAK collection.
%    6.  Activate the IRED markers.
%    7.  Request/receive/display 10 frames of real-time 3D data.
%    8.  De-activate the markers.
%    9.  Disconnect the PC application program from the transputer
%        system.

%Just to be on the save side, we first reset all Matlab functions:
clear functions

coll.NumMarkers      =6;   %Number of markers in the collection.         
coll.FrameFrequency  =100; %Frequency to collect data frames at.          
coll.MarkerFrequency =2500;%Marker frequency for marker maximum on-time. 
coll.Threshold       =30;  %Dynamic or Static Threshold value to use.    
coll.MinimumGain     =160; %Minimum gain code amplification to use.      
coll.StreamData      =0;   %Stream mode for the data buffers.            
coll.DutyCycle       =0.35;%Marker Duty Cycle to use.                    
coll.Voltage         =7;   %Voltage to use when turning on markers.      
coll.CollectionTime  =1;   %Number of seconds of data to collect.        
coll.PreTriggerTime  =0;   %Number of seconds to pre-trigger data by.    

%Load the system of transputers.

%Wait one second to let the system finish loading.

%Initialize the transputer system.

%Set optional processing flags (this overides the settings in OPTOTRAK.INI).

%Load the standard camera parameters.

%Set up a collection for the OPTOTRAK.

%Wait one second to let the camera adjust.

%Activate the markers.

%Get and display 10 frames of 3D data.
fprintf('\n\n3D Data Display\n');
for FrameCnt = 1:10
  %Get a frame of data.
  %Print out the data.
  fprintf('Frame Number: %8u\n',data.FrameNumber);
  fprintf('Elements    : %8u\n',data.NumMarkers);
  fprintf('Flags       : 0x%04x\n',data.Flags);
  for MarkerCnt = 1:coll.NumMarkers
    fprintf('Marker %u X %f Y %f Z %f\n', MarkerCnt,...

%De-activate the markers.

%Shutdown the transputer message passing system.

%Exit the program.
fprintf('\nProgram execution complete.\n');

Corresponding C-code for sample2:

Name:             SAMPLE2.C


    OPTOTRAK Sample Program #2.

    1.  Load the system of transputers with the appropriate
        transputer programs.
    2.  Initiate communications with the transputer system.
    3.  Set the optional processing flags to do the 3D conversions
        on the host computer.
    4.  Load the appropriate camera parameters.
    5.  Set up an OPTOTRAK collection.
    6.  Activate the IRED markers.
    7.  Request/receive/display 10 frames of real-time 3D data.
    8.  De-activate the markers.
    9.  Disconnect the PC application program from the transputer


C Library Files Included
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
void sleep( unsigned int uSec );
#elif __BORLANDC__
#include <dos.h>
#elif __WATCOMC__
#include <dos.h>

ND Library Files Included
#include "ndtypes.h"
#include "ndpack.h"
#include "ndopto.h"


#define NUM_SENSORS 3
#define NUM_MARKERS 6

Name:               main

Input Values:
        argc        :Number of command line parameters.
    unsigned char
        *argv[]     :Pointer array to each parameter.

Output Values:

Return Value:


    Main program routine performs all steps listed in the above
    program description.

void main( int argc, unsigned char *argv[] )
    unsigned int
    static Position3d
        p3dData[ NUM_MARKERS];
        szNDErrorString[MAX_ERROR_STRING_LENGTH + 1];

     * Load the system of transputers.
    if( TransputerLoadSystem( "system" ) )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Wait one second to let the system finish loading.
    sleep( 1 );

     * Initialize the transputer system.
    if( TransputerInitializeSystem( OPTO_LOG_ERRORS_FLAG ) )

        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Set optional processing flags (this overides the settings in OPTOTRAK.INI).
    if( OptotrakSetProcessingFlags( OPTO_LIB_POLL_REAL_DATA |
                                    OPTO_CONVERT_ON_HOST |
                                    OPTO_RIGID_ON_HOST ) )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Load the standard camera parameters.
    if( OptotrakLoadCameraParameters( "standard" ) )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Set up a collection for the OPTOTRAK.
    if( OptotrakSetupCollection(
            NUM_MARKERS,    /* Number of markers in the collection. */
            (float)100.0,   /* Frequency to collect data frames at. */
            (float)2500.0,  /* Marker frequency for marker maximum on-time. */
            30,             /* Dynamic or Static Threshold value to use. */
            160,            /* Minimum gain code amplification to use. */
            0,              /* Stream mode for the data buffers. */
            (float)0.35,    /* Marker Duty Cycle to use. */
            (float)7.0,     /* Voltage to use when turning on markers. */
            (float)1.0,     /* Number of seconds of data to collect. */
            (float)0.0,     /* Number of seconds to pre-trigger data by. */
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Wait one second to let the camera adjust.
    sleep( 1 );

     * Activate the markers.
    if( OptotrakActivateMarkers() )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Get and display ten frames of 3D data.
    fprintf( stdout, "\n\n3D Data Display\n" );
    for( uFrameCnt = 0; uFrameCnt < 10; ++uFrameCnt )
         * Get a frame of data.
        fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
        if( DataGetLatest3D( &uFrameNumber, &uElements, &uFlags, p3dData ) )
            goto ERROR_EXIT;
        } /* if */

         * Print out the data.
        fprintf( stdout, "Frame Number: %8u\n", uFrameNumber );
        fprintf( stdout, "Elements    : %8u\n", uElements );
        fprintf( stdout, "Flags       : 0x%04x\n", uFlags );
        for( uMarkerCnt = 0; uMarkerCnt < 6; ++uMarkerCnt )
            fprintf( stdout, "Marker %u X %f Y %f Z %f\n", uMarkerCnt + 1,
                     p3dData[ uMarkerCnt].x, p3dData[ uMarkerCnt].y,
                     p3dData[ uMarkerCnt].z );
        } /* for */
    } /* for */

     * De-activate the markers.
    if( OptotrakDeActivateMarkers() )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Shutdown the transputer message passing system.
    if( TransputerShutdownSystem() )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * Exit the program.
    fprintf( stdout, "\nProgram execution complete.\n" );
    exit( 0 );

    if( OptotrakGetErrorString( szNDErrorString,
                                MAX_ERROR_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ) == 0 )
        fprintf( stdout, szNDErrorString );
    } /* if */
    exit( 1 );

} /* main */